How setting small goals, lead to big successes
Do you remember the feeling you had when you learned how to tie your shoes for the first time? Or the joy you had when you told your parents you learned how to spell your last name? (If you had a last name like mine, that was quite an accomplishment). Those were small moments in your life, special moments, yet their impact was tremendous.
Reaching those small goals unlocked a power we all have inside us—the power of achievement. It goes something like this: once we accomplish something, we feel like we can take on the next challenge with even greater confidence. Our new earned confidence gives us more drive to succeed. The more we succeed, the more we strive for further success. The more we strive, the more skills we acquire.
And it doesn’t just have to be grandiose leaps but small little steps—literally. When it comes to building strong soccer skills, I believe success comes one touch at a time. I’m talking about juggling.
For me juggling a soccer ball is the ultimate tool we can use to begin to teach goal setting skills to kids. Besides the technical benefits it offers, like developing touch, coordination and balance, it also provides one of the best mindset skills. One tap, turns to two, turns to three, turns to, well, that’s the point, the goal is individual. The limit is only in your children’s mind, but over time, tap by tap, that limit can become limitless.
A few benefits of juggling:
1. Creates a plan or map to take action
2. Instills a competitive spirit and inner drive
3. It’s measurable and you can see and feel the results
4. You can make it realistic and attainable
5. Accountability—the ball is at your feet and getting better is up to you
6. Provides small successes that add up to become big wins in the future
7. Brings joy when accomplished and makes you want to come back for more (cycle of soccer)
8. Introduces time management skills
Now, the path to achievement is sometimes long and hard. It’s full of twists and turns. And it’s often easy to get lost or discouraged. That’s why it’s important to teach our young kids the importance of small wins, which lead to bigger accomplishments.
From tap to goal, juggling gets them on the right path. It’s one of those drills that provides them with a tool to dig in and build on. It acts as a compass to help find their inner power—their hidden gem.